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-to start with I got to know a lot about the maps and possibilities of what those can show, not only the marked streets, beside that I have seen that you can make maps very interesting with incorporation of 3D elements instead of keeping it completely flat
-I have taken the role of photographer for the data walk and that was with the intention of learning how to take good pictures with a camera, since I usually do not do that but I really like taking pictures in general, it was a really good practice because I have realised again how much I like doing that
-data walk that we have done went extremely good, each one of us took their part very seriously so it wasn’t hard afterwards to redraw the map, we were on the same page with the idea about the visualisation of empty spaces and street art, advertisements, so there was no need for any discussions
-thanks to Anna we started to realise that the empty spaces were a good idea to capture, I learned how to look at the opposite ideas of the main one and with that develop a research question
-I was very grateful that Moritz is a perfectionist, so even when I wanted to move on faster, he slowed us down and made me realise it would have been better to make improvements, otherwise the end result wouldn’t be so clean
-the collaboration with Moritz went overall very well, on Wednesday we talked over Slack about the plan and sent each other suggestions what we could make and how to realise our map, I have to say that we understood each other very well and that it wasn’t hard to come on the same line
first picture shows printing the object behind without the support, second video shows the correct way to print it with the support
-I could help with vacuum machine since I have done it before but this time I also learned how important it is to turn the vacuumed objects into correct direction otherwise the object is vacuumed in the opposite direction and it doesn’t fit into the laser cut paper, neither in laser cut transparent paper
-I learned about connecting two kinds of maps and finding a red thread efficiently
-I improved my eye for precise work, due to having this small booklet with several layers which needed a lot of precise work, if one layer wouldn't work perfectly, the other wouldn't either
-I got to know a way how to incorporate 3D tactile element into the booklets, especially by vacuuming the forms of the buildings and then layering them underneath the paper
-it was very challenging to work with vacuum machine but after a while I got to realise the perfect time for heating the mould, which is 17 seconds for the thin one
-another important learning point was that if you are vacuuming with a mould you need to turn the mould of course in the opposite directions otherwise all the formed object are going to be mirrored and that